Friday, June 29, 2007

Harry Potter Party!

While fans around the globe anxiously await the seventh installment of the Harry Potter series, Brandon readers will have the opportunity to celebrate the arrival of J.K. Rowling’s latest novel by celebrating in the street. On July 20, the eve of the book’s release, Pennywise Books will host a party culminating in a midnight book-buying opportunity for Harry Potter fans.

To set the mood for the occasion, there will be displays of owls and live snakes. As well, entertainment will be provided by musicians and buskers, while fortune-tellers, witches and wizards will create magic.

Contests will also play a big part in this celebration. There will be a prize for the best Harry Potter look-alike, a prize for best costume (other than Harry), a prize for the best drawing by an artist aged 10 and under and a prize for the best drawing by an artist aged 11 to 16. Also, there will be a prize for the best home-made potion and a magic bean guessing contest.

Contest rules can be obtained at Pennywise Books, and drawings and potion entries must be submitted by 5:30 p.m., on July 17.

Prizes available include colouring books, plush creatures and other Harry Potter-related items. A draw will be held for a five and a half foot toy dragon.

The Harry Potter Street Party is open to the public and will take place between 10th and 11th Streets, on Rosser Ave., the evening of July 20, beginning at approximately 8:30 p.m. Pennywise Books will open its doors at 12:01 a.m. to release the final installment of the series, Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows. The book can be pre-ordered at Pennywise Books, located at 1031 Rosser Ave.

If you would like more information, don't hesitate to call us (728-2665) or stop in for a visit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you have to pre-order a copy to get it at midnight, or can you just come? If so how many non-pre-ordered copies are left?