Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Summer Update

It's not because there is anything of grave importance that I'm updating the site, it's more due to a feeling of shame that it has been so long since the last post.

There has been a great deal of behind-the-scenes things happening at Pennywise, however, so I'll pass along these tidbits of news now.

We've changed our point of sale system which might not sound too exciting but, in conjunction with our new relationship with a major book distributor, this new program has allowed us to streamline our special orders and drastically cut wait times for most special orders. And the receipts are shorter and easier to read.

And just over the horizon is something really exciting....

All summer we've been bringing in great new stock - both new and discount titles. If you haven't been in, you're missing out!

Finally, the fall reading season is just around the corner and we're starting to approach publishers about authors' touring schedules. If you have a favorite author you would like to see come to Brandon, drop us a line. We're not shy about shooting for the moon -- if we don't ask, we'll never know!

I hope your summer is going well and look forward to seeing you all again real soon.

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