Wednesday, January 23, 2008

US Pricing Still in Effect

Well, we're far enough into 2008 that I'd feel a bit awkward wishing everyone a "Happy New Year," or making some comment along the lines of hoping that you had a good holiday season. The holidays are rapidly dimming in our memories and we're looking down the barrel of a long (and, right now, extremely cold) winter. So, instead of referring to the past, I'll wish you "Good Day!" and quickly move along.

We don't have any immediate events to tell you about, but we're working on some that are quite exciting. As these guests are confirmed and the details ironed out, you'll be amoung the first to know.

I do want to let you know that the US pricing promotion we had on before Christmas is still in effect. The dollar continues to bounce around, so Pennywise is pleased to offer you the opportunity to cash in on its instability. All new books with US prices printed on them will continue to sell at that lower price until we decide otherwise.

If we haven't seen you recently, be sure to stop in at the store to see what's new. And, as always, if you have an author you would like us to try and bring in, let us know and we'll see what we can do.

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