Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Paul Quarrington & Harry Potter

Paul Quarrington, noted Canadian writer, musician and filmmaker, will be at Pennywise on Saturday, May 5 at 3:00 to sign copies of his books.

Quarrington, whose works have been nominated for some of the most prestigious awards in Canada, will be in Brandon with his band Porkbelly Futures. This group will be performing two shows at the Music Studio that evening.

It is a true honour to host this signing, and I encourage you to hurry down to pick up a copy of one of his books (and I mean HURRY -- we're already down to only a few copies of three titles).

On another note: plans are coming together for our Harry Potter party. We have received permission to close the street in front of the store and have booked all sorts of entertainment and attractions. This party will take place on the evening of Friday, July 20 leading up to the opening of the store at 12:01 AM for the release of the final book in the Harry Potter series!

If you want to get involved in any way, or simply to ask more about anything happening at Pennywise, call us at 728-BOOK (2665) or email us at pennywise@westman.wave.ca.

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