Saturday, August 21, 2010

Fast Fiction 2010

Fast Fiction, Brandon's 24-hour short story writing contest returns for 2010! With growing interest over the past few years, this year's contest promises to be one of the most exciting yet.

For readers unfamiliar with Fast Fiction: writers are presented with a story element that must be included in their final entry. Twenty-four hours later, entries are due. Style, length and content are left to the whim of the writer. There is no age restriction for entry, nor is there an entry fee.

The 2010 edition of Fast Fiction will kick off at 5 p.m., on September 25, at Pennywise Books. At that time, a required element will be divulged. Writers will then have 24 hours to write their submission and deliver it to Pennywise Books by 4:59 p.m. on September 26. E-copies will be accepted.

Winners will be announced at Words Alive on October 15 and 16.

Visit for complete contest rules.